Whenever we’re contracted for a single family home sump pump installation, we’re often asked whether it’s worth spending a bit extra on a combination AC/DC system. Our answer is almost always yes! While it can be tempting to simply buy a good AC system (the best we’ve found is the Zoeller M267), we find it better to either have a dedicated DC backup pump (e..g, the Wayne WSM3300) or, if you don’t have one already, a combination AC/DC sump pump system. The point of such a system is to give your basement a chance to stay dry if you lose AC power during a flash flood or heavy rainfall. Investing a few hundred dollars ahead of time can save you thousands in basement cleanup and furniture and electronics replacement after a flood. So what systems are worth considering?
We’ve already reviewed the Wayne WSSM40V, which is our favorite combination AC/DC system on the market so far due to its combination of a good AC sump pump and a smart DC pump with self-test and telephoning capabilities. The Wayne WSS30V is a cheaper alternative also worth considering. Today we’ll take a look at another highly reliable system, the Zoeller 507-0008 Pre-assembled sump pump with battery backup and M53 pump. Combining a solid DC pump, the Zoeller Model 507-0005 Basement Sentry backup, with one of our favorite AC pumps, the Zoeller M53, the Zoeller 507-0008 is well worth considering for any homeowner or landlord interested in a low maintenance and long-lasting solution. You can read our full review below, but if you simply want to know whether it’s worth buying, we firmly believe it is, and you can buy it here.
Key Features of the Zoeller 507-0008 Sump Pump (60 Second Summary)
The Zoeller 507-0008 is a pre-assembled primary and battery backup combination submersible sump pump package. The main pump is AC-powered and is the Zoeller M53; the backup is DC-powered and is a Model 507 Basement Sentry backup. A 1/3rd horsepower motor powers the main pump while a 12 volt motor powers the backup. The primary pump has a maximum water flow rate of 2,580 gallons per hour at zero feet (1,380 GPH in the backup). We could not find warranty information. It is 19.2″ inches long, 13.5″ inches wide, and 21.5″ inches tall.
The Zoeller 507-0008 draws 4.7-9.7 amps and has a battery backup, although the battery is not included. You will need a 27, 29, or 31-size deep cycle battery with at least a 175 minute reserve capacity and maximum dimensions of 13″ in length, 7.5″ in width, and 9.5″ in height to fit the battery case. Multiple batteries can be used if an additional battery case with a hookup wire is ordered. The MK-E27-SLD-G is an example of a deep cycle battery we’ve reviewed that would work well with the Zoeller.
The power cord is 8 feet long and the entire apparatus weighs 53 pounds on our scale. Although the main discharge flow can reach 2,580 gallons per hour at zero feet, it drops to 2,040 gallons per hour at 10 feet, 1,140 gallons per hour at 15 feet, and the main pump is inoperative by 20 feet. The backup pump can pump up to 1,380 gallons per hour at zero feet. It drops to 900 GPH at 10 feet, 300 GPH at 15 feet, and shut-off occurs at 17.5 feet.
The working temperature spans 40-120 degrees Fahrenheit. Per the manual, you’ll need a sump pit at least 18″ in diameter and at least 24″ deep, although you can probably squeeze it into slightly narrower pits.
How Does the Zoeller 507-0008 Compare to the Wayne WSSM40V Sump Pump?
The primary differences between the Zoeller 507-0008 and the Wayne WSSM40V are in the sophistication of the backup pump; the Model 507 DC pump in the Zoeller is a hardworking and reliable battery-powered backup pump, but it doesn’t have the smart features of the WSSM40V’s WSM3300 DC sump. It’s not going to call you in an emergency, and it doesn’t perform monthly self tests. However, when it comes to reliability, the M53 main pump found in the Zoeller is more reliable than the CDU800 found in the Wayne (we’d estimate up to a 15-year lifespan in the Zoeller), which reduces the odds of your needing the backup pump’s functionality to begin with. It’s important to note that both the main and backup sump pumps in the WSSM40V are significantly faster than their respective pumps in the Zoeller; in fact, the backup pump in the Wayne is faster than the primary pump in the Zoeller. When you buy the Zoeller, you’re not buying speed so much as longevity.
Our Short and Long Term Experiences Installing and Using the Zoeller 507-0008 Sump Pump
Installing the Zoeller 507-0008 is a snap, even if you don’t install sump pumps for a living. You simply cut your PVC pipe to fit and slide the pump into your sump pit. With the clamps and rubber coupling, you should be able to get a good seal. Remember you’ll also need to drop in a battery and plug in the charger so the battery doesn’t just run dry. The indicator lights should be green when the battery is charged and everything is in good condition. Keep in mind that the backup pump is tilted deliberately; you don’t need to straighten it.
Noise-wise, we have next to no complaints because it’s nearly inaudible when running; this backed up our experiences using the M53 by itself. Our long term feedback suggests it’s easy to get at least 10 years of consistent, trouble-free service from the Zoeller, and we’re aware of several homeowners and plumbers with maintenance-free installations at the 15-year mark.
Troubleshooting and Installation Tips to Get Your Zoeller 507-0008 Working Sooner
The top thing to remember when you install your Zoeller 507-0008 in your sump basin is that you’re going to need a 12 volt deep cycle battery to run it. If you don’t install one, you’ll have a good AC pump, but your backup DC pump won’t do anything for you when the power cuts out and the water starts rising. The MK E27-SLD-G is a good example of a compatible and reliable deep cycle battery. You can fit size 27, 29, or 31 batteries. With a 175-minute reserve capacity battery, you can expect about 7.5 hours of continuous operation. This translates to at least 4 days of intermittent operation, which should be more than enough time for you to get back into town or buy a generator if you’re still without power (perish the thought!).
Although the installation instructions state you should glue your pump assembly together, you might want to consider leaving things separate and simply holding the parts together with rubber hoses and clamps (the kinds used to connect PVC piping); this will allow you to replace elements that may break down in the long haul, such as your check valves.
Once you’ve installed your Zoeller 507-0008, it’s a good idea to test it by running water from a garden hose into your sump pump basin once you’ve turned off your main pump as well as the trickle charger of the backup pump; doing this will simulate a loss of power. When you do so, your backup pump should start working as soon as the float switch is triggered. If it doesn’t, you’ll want to adjust the float switch or positioning of the pump in your sump pit to make sure it does activate as needed.
You might want to consider widening your sump pit to give it more fill time, which also gives your sump pump more time to pump out water before risking overflow into your basement. It isn’t necessary for most homeowners, but if you live in a flood plain or an area with a high water table, it’s worth considering, given that this isn’t the fastest sump pump on the market.
Zoeller 507-0008 Sump Pump’s Pros, Cons, and Value Comparison
Overall, the Zoeller 507-0008 is one of the best combination AC/DC sump pumps on the market. It doesn’t have the smart features of the Wayne WSSM40V, but it does come with the rock solid reliability of the M53 AC pump and the equally durable Model 507 backup pump. Our recommendation would be to choose the Wayne if you’re looking for the communicative and self-monitoring abilities it includes and to choose the Zoeller if reliability is your highest priority. In either case, you’ll have two of the best combination sump pumps on the market.
You can buy the Zoeller 507-0008 here on Amazon. You can buy the Wayne WSSM40V here. You can buy the MK E27-SLD-G battery here. You can buy a cheaper 12 volt deep cycle battery here.
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